On Thursday we visited downtown Boston including the Prudential Centre and Quincy Market with a Cork man who has lived there for years, Brendan Rafterey. On Thursday evening Mr Kim arrived at the hotel to bring us to dinner in sub 14 degree temperatures. A total of seventeen people attended and it was a great evening. On Friday we went to Cambridge shopping mall but we were back at the World HQ on Brookline Avenue at 2.45pm where we met with old friends Mr Smith, who runs the school along with Instructor Peter Cho Holland. We went to the downstairs Dojang with Mr Kim and a few of the junior students to work on patterns. Later that evening our old friend Martin Williams and his wife Jess and son TJ came to visit and say ‘Hello’.
Saturday morning we went for breakfast at 7.00 full of stiff limbs but with brains buzzing with the new information that we took on board under the instruction of Mr Kim. The Saturday morning session started at 11.00am. It was a super class where we were surrounded by students from 1st Dan to 6th Dan. The day was to last till 7.00pm and included full range sparring, full range techniques and basic skills.
That evening we went for dinner with very tired bodies and minds but still on a high. Sunday morning and the day of departure started with a visit to Mr Cha's school in Newton where we were guests of the school for a grading. Mr Kim was the examiner for the morning. I was very impressed with the standard of the students on the floor and in the discipline they displayed. When it was time to leave Dylan made sure that we left the country and travelled to Logan Airport with us.
The real work will take place in the school giving the students the benefit of the work and teaching that took place. We were back at the J H Kim School in Cork the evening we returned.
We would like to offer a special thanks to Mr Kim, Mr Smith and all the staff at the World HQ.